Yesterday, was a day out with... sam sean justin fio bing me. it was jus's birthday. i'm glad we've got to spend it with him. guess it meant alot to him. Fio and i got him a music box, without a box.. hmm.hah. it's okay. i'll get a picture of it next time. so we met up. sam drove. headed to hard rock. dinner was great. desserts were just as great. then came the time... jus was made to stand on the bar top. [can you sing me a birthday song?] he had to shout across the floor and ask everyone to sing him a song. we all did. was it over? not close. he had to blow the candle off his sundae, using an extended straw... in between his legs. so he kinda had to bend over. well, then the hard rock guy plunged the sundae into jus' face. it was so much fun... sean, well he, kept saying, "i never laugh..i never laugh.." well, he was laughing all the way.. hah. apparently 4 other people shared the same birthday as jus. maybe there were 30,000 more around the world. with that, we left for the airport. T3. our usual hangout. we went there. and... fio, bing, and me drove. hahah. we got to drive a short lil distance. sam taught us a lil of it. so cool. to be sitting in the driver seat. honest. well, as always, bing is always... did i mention always.. yes and yet i want to say again, always blur. hah. she got into the driver seat, and asked sam what should she do. fio said, "er..driver..please close your door first." we all burst out laughing. fio added on, "next time the instructor will say, 'please close your door first.'" hah. then off bing went. her skills... whooo.. jus said,"wha..if test E-brake(emergency brake), she sure pass one!!" we all burst out loud. so funny.. then finally sam took over. we headed to geylang. wanted to eat or have a drink.. ended, we rounded the place a couple of times. just to look at the hmm.. life that's there. i wasn't scared. i was praying. i prayed, "even if the evil one has his hold over this place, God holds even greater power." well, then we pass through this dark alley. it's a place that bing said, "wha..i thought this gambling dens only exist in movies." it was truly an eye-opener. then we left, with more understanding about the place, and the people. on the journey to bing's place, we were figuring out something about toh guan. well, silly me asked, "isn't that the biscuit brand?" fio, "joc, that's tong guan lar!!" bing, "what..i live in a biscuit tin ar!!" embarrassed. home, it was. once again, it was a night that i would put a thumbs up to it. sam, sean, jus us at hard rock. By the power and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command, I don't suggest, I command any and all evil trying to influence my mind, to leave my presence. I am a child of the Most High God and my mind is my own, a quiet place for me and God. Amen. I'm secured in Christ. I am indeed the Most High God's child. I want to bear His image. Life, as it seems, has been a whole lot of everything. Honestly, i don't know how the graduation blues feels like.. i don't feel as though i'm losing people.. i don't feel as though i'm saying goodbyes.. i don't feel like crying.. maybe not yet. [To live is Christ, and to die is gain - philippians 1:21] If i live, to be melancholy, to be sad, to be emo, i don't live for Christ. I don't deny that we, as human beings, feel.. we feel sad, happy and all. we feel all sorts of emotions, it's given to us, from God. I would mean that, i won't dwell on being on the down side all the time. friends, i'm rejoicing. not because i'm leaving school, but because i'm joyful in the Lord. why lament and look back, and said, "oh man, i've not done much.." why not be joyful and say, "God, you can do immeasurably more than what i can think or ask for, i believe." do we sit in our driver seat, and yearn to drive backwards all the time? or to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus? i choose the latter. ain't gona be easy, buddies.. but the latter way, has our Father, who will be in the passenger seat, next to us. He allows us the freedom to choose the roads we want, yet He's there to guide us and warn us. i'm comforted to know that. and i'm satisfied to know that. are you? times like this, we need to spur one another on. need a cheer or smile, i'm here. =) what i'll do to cheer you up? hmm.. i'll do whatever it takes. i'm smiling because i've got my Father with me. i ain't looking back, because i ain't a product of my past. who i am today, is because of what He has done. I can testify. i'm happy in the Lord today. Are you? was watching a cartoon. fernado said piggly ain't his friend anymore. the cow, fernado, said, "piggly made a promise and he broke it." fernado's daddy said, "piggly made a mistake and friends make mistakes." there are 2 kinds of laughter, fernado's daddy said. [one is the kind when people laugh at you. the other is when people laugh with you.] [the best pictures are the pictures that aren't so perfect afterall.] things learnt from watching er... cartoon. =) will you laugh with me, my friend? Pics for the eyes to savour! it's an orange car i see. teapot pose, aunty's fav. ST we are. ong ji attempted to look shorter. =/ ong ji and me. elephanting. Ronald - Chocolate Ian and kha - Champagne grape Fiona - Grape Tina - Green Apple Joc - -[Blessed night]-
Today was really a weird day. Guess it was just weird. hah. It was meant as a farewell, but i feel not so. well, hmm. loads of pics in jethro. near 200 i guess. but there was one that i wanted to take very much, but never did. guess you wouldn't want to take it then too. i'm thankful for all the people for their blessings. i wanted to tell you i'm thankful for you too. but guess, anger fills you now. that you wouldn't hear a word i say. if it's men's will, i believe we'll never reconcile. but if it's God's will, i pray we will. When you said, "I pray not..." hmm. my heart sank. but i guess it was because you felt hurt by what i've done. hmm... if you hadn't said, i would still wonder why you're mad at me. now i know, i ask for your forgiveness. i am sorry. for the juvenile way i've acted, and treated you. my friend, i do miss you. That day, i was looking through the photos i've uploaded. I realised a huge chunk was missing. In fact, lost forever. and the pictures were all of you. i was sad. i felt scared too. seemingly, i really did lost you then and there. i think i feel like it too now. i didn't express it, but well... i feel like i'm losing you. God, hear this lil prayer of my heart. [I miss my friend. I just want him to know i'm truly sorry, and that i had never let go of our friendship. If You will, restore our friendship. Amen.] I've been thankful... to God for alot of things. I've finally let go. That's why i'm thankful. No longer strapped down, but set free. God set me free. Praise God for making me whole again. He completes my heart.
To love or not to love. that isn't the question. To let go or not to let go that is the question. i really don't know, Father, i'm really at loss. he gives me hope, yet shatters them. maybe there was never a glimmer of hope, it was just me believe in a lie that i thought was the truth. i really want to let go, yet at the same time, i really don't want to. have i been stubborn? or maybe i have been dumb? i beginning to think it's the latter. dumb to suffer the heartaches. day by day. i feel like a fool. i feel misused. i feel chucked aside, and brought close only when i was needed. i feel replaceable. i feel insignificant. i feel i'm in the rut again. guess... i never got out of it. bing said, [loving someone isn't easy. love isn't easy.] i told her, "i never think it would be easy, but i never think it would be so hard." she goes on, [if you love him, it's worth the wait and pain.] me, "that's why i'm questioning myself that." her, [whether you love him, or worth the wait?] i said, "whether i love him. because if i really do, the wait is worth it despite its pain." God, i'm sorry. i'm hurting till i forgot whether You even hear me. i know you do. Yes. By faith. i just need assurance. lots of it. God, do You love me? maybe that is the question. Heyo. Good great morning. Joyous happy new year too. Just came back from ning's home. honestly, i ought to be asleep now. for an hour at least, but i'm not. guess i'm excited. people, i'm excited because it's a new year!! Just reminds me so much of God telling me, He's forever in my life. I could almost hear His whispers carried on the hustle of the wind. "My child, here's yet another year created for you." Yesterday night, bing and ning picked me up from work. that simple gesture, just sweeten my heart. ning said, "chin gu wants people to pick her up from work right?" haa. yah, i desired that. but erm..well..i was shy to admit, but still,my sweet lovelys came. we headed for dinner at yoshi, then shopped at cold storage for... 1)tomato salsa 2)baby potatoes 3)cheddar cheese 4)3 jumbo dogs(beef, chicken, bratwurst) Headed back to simei. waited for ah ley, went to grab BnJ. NewYork Super Fudge Chunk. Mouthful, i meant the words, and literally. we each grabbed a spoon, and dive in, i mean dive in using the TABLEspoon. hah. Supper was on its way. Then we caught the coffee prince. Sweet. 8) We had me think again.. tori karaage baby potatoes with mayo and bacon bits fried bee hoon 3 jumbo dogs root beer to wash these down. it was 2327hrs. We got our glasses of choya mixed with ice cream soda. sat and watched countdown. Together. Though it was nothing like a mega countdown party, with party poppers, confetti, hopping and dancing around. We, ning, corny, wesley, bing and me, we cheers to a new year. with our choya, that is. when they were counting down at 5 secs, i heard myself uttered this, "God, thank you for this year that past." Bing shared this: [I heard, the thing that you would do during the crossover to the new year, you will do it throughout the year.] year 2006-2007, the crossover was silent. but not in the heavens. i remembered, the pastor at bee's church told us to close our eyes. We prayed into the new year. year 2007-2008, I prayed into the new year too. in fact, i was thankful. We went on watching 'Schindler's List'. Beautiful show, but please don't fall asleep. 3 hours and 15 minutes length. Corny and ah ley ended up, checking on Nazi war, Hitler and all. Hmm. I thank God for a man like Oskar Schindler. I'm thankful. pardon me here, but i ain't interested about setting new year resolutions. I'm simply thankful that i can live, day to day, month to month, year to year. feel the feelings i can feel. move the muscles that 'wobbles' around me. [time to shed er..chunkies..] hah. Friends, Be thankful with what you have. It's good to desire new and more each year. God gave us desires. But my prayer is that, we'll desire Him more, above all other things. As for me, I'm thankful for a handful of people. who has been a big part of my life. honest. you were part of the mould that was needed to shape me in 2007. my prayer is that you'll still be in my life in 2008. Shall chart them on my first blog entry of 2008. I appreciate your presence in my life. Wen Bing Li Juan Fiona Ian Khalis Yong Jie Tina Jason Cornelyus Evangeline Joel Yi Ning Wesley Shu Shyan Phyllis Azfar Eileen Chuah Eileen Ng Benneth Velencia Gerald Justin Sean Samuel Sherwin Friends from the ship Friends from LTC, Redang. God, I'm thankful for today. MY LIFE ![]() I am Jocelyn Hannah. I was baptised on 7th February 2010. I am 22 and still counting. I love VJBEE and we celebrate 10 years. I am amazed at everything about Korea and Korean. I still love orange, the colour. I love Da Tou, Mini Tou and new addition, Flimso. I am God given. In my life, I choose to desire God above everything else. He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot TAG ME MY LOVELYS Aunty Ben Bing Claire Corny di Evan Fio Ian Isabelle Jere Joelle Joey Josel Kha Ning Ong Ji Pauline Phebs Prila Roy Rui Xiang Sandy Shei Pin Sin Yi Tina Zul MY MEmories January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 March's Events 4th April - Ong Ji's Bday 8th April - Bing and Jere's 17th Month 9th April - Mommy's Bday 12th April - Tina's Bday 19th April - School Officially Commences 22nd April - Sabrina's Bday My heart song |