03 May 2010 Y 12:34 PM

Trust vs Mistrust.

it doesn't just apply for young children..
Even us, adults.
Do we trust,
or do we doubt?

I learn to observe..
I realised the mistrust that we have towards others many a times is so...
uncalled for..

Why must we doubt the ones we love?
Why must we doubt the good in man?
Why must we doubt till the point we no longer SIMPLY trust?
Where had all the initial "I trust you" gone?

Maybe I'm just getting a lil worked up.
Pardon me.

I have experienced it in my own life.
I had trusted in him and he in me.
I chose to unravel something that ain't necessary at all..
I..I got upset and jealous of something that was bygone..
I want to know it,
yet I didn't and couldn't accept it..
I gave up my trust in him,
guess it cost him his too.

I learnt the lesson which jere says,
"I'm not on a need-to-know basis"
I really had no need back then..

God has taught me something out of this episode.
I can say that I trust man,
but man can fail me..
I'm errable.
I'm imperfect.

God says,
"I am perfect. Trust in Me."
So I learnt it the real hard way,
I don't simply say I trust man,
because I know it's hard..
It's hard for me to trust me too..
So I really know..

Please don't trust in me.
Please trust me in God.
Only God can uphold this promise that I made to you.
It stands till this very day and still will.
I choose to trust God..
And I pray that when the day comes,
I can hear whatever that you wanna say.

Please know..
I love you,

[I trust you in God.]

Counting down: 4 Months and 11 Days