well peeps, 29th May 2008. Joc has officially graduated. with a diploma in Marine Engineering. with a merit in God's faithfulness in my life. 3 years. God was with me throughout. He still is, in my life. graduation was the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another. nostalgic yet so much fun. God, i'm missing. i was the 2nd jocelyn chua, the 4th jocelyn out of 5 for the ceremony. honestly, i was attempting to open the scroll on stage. failed attempt. mummy and me lin, alvin, alvin's daddy and mummy, anto. my heart is filled with thankfulness. thankful to God for many things. for people, for work, for customers. hear this if you're a customer: i appreciate you for acknowledging my presence when i bring you in. i appreciate you for smiling at me when i take your orders. i appreciate you for being patient when you see me handling other customers. i appreciate you for acknowledging me when i refill your cups. i appreciate you for asking me whether i have had my dinner. i appreciate you for understanding that it gets busy and things get messed up sometimes. i appreciate you for smiling at me saying, "whoa, you had a busy day huh.." i appreciate you for flashing me that grin when i went the extra mile. i appreciate you for writing sweet comment cards to appreciate me. i appreciate you for you were brought to me by God to brighten up my day. these are moments when i love my part time job. sincerely. God was and is faithful. i couldn't be more than blessed. He gives and takes away, but my heart will choose to say, "Lord, Blessed be Your Name." headed out with uncle paul today. he told me a handsome young lad was coming along. so i sms-ed him. "well, i'm on my way at eunos. and have you met up with your friend, the handsome young lad?" well... turned out it was ian. hahah. felt cheated for a split second, but i got over it as soon as it began. haha. appreciation can mean alot to people. really. well, to me too. i can have the bluest mondays, and the blackest tuesdays, yet when someone appreciates me, i can fly to the moon...... haha. well apparently, i kinda realised... this is how God encourages me for the day, if i'm working that is. i won't get to see the magnificent nature He created in that tiny small cafe, which would reflect His love for me. it is simply the smiles on the customers' faces. well, this is how He shows me He loves me.it's more than the 'thank you' smile. it's like the 'whoa..i really thank you for going the extra mile for me' smile. it's really different. and when i worked with that kinda joy, it simply exudes. from deep within. because i was thankful to God. all the time.
today i worked full shift. it wasn't the full shift that i dreaded. it was a whole lot of something else. it was busy, yet people weren't all that nice. apparently, i've got to see the very truth, the truth that people worked for money. 'i get paid this much, i do this much' mentality. and why must sarcasm fill the air.. was that how people should communicate? so senselessly.. maybe ya.. it was communication. it wasn't conversation. 'i get my point across' - the end. disappointment filled my heart. at points, i was at the brink of tears, yet i was not comforted by men. Daddy was there. my heart turned from mourning to joy. whiffs of peace and joy came by as i thought of Jesus. He was humiliated. He was mocked. He was beaten. He endured. [Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. - Hebrews 12:3] i was reciting this to myself as i worked. it was liberating. God had comforted me when i needed it so. i was angry. i wanted revenge. but i unclenched my fists, and told myself, "i choose to love." and so i did. i can't remember when was the last time when i looked at you, and you made me smile. time felt as though it was further than a mile.. but i recounted countless of times when i looked at you, and i had tears running down, ruining my very smile. my heart was painful, and forgiveness was needful. faith, hope and love, with the above, God taught me to love. I was very glad, that my heavenly Dad, went the extra mile, to restore my very smile. 19th may 2008. our 3rd year anniversary. i'm really amazed. sweet and i had a wonderful time together. it has been so long.. it felt like the good ol'days. no expensive fare, nor extravagant spending. simply each other. she told me, "it doesn't matter where we go.. as long as we're together, it's good enough." mushy aye... it's ours to say. brought her to togi. korean restaurant. CM-ers, they serve barley tea there. korean tea. the brown tea you drank during beggars'. amazing. much memories. the fare was simple. it was filling. we talked about our jobs.. we were like grown ups. =) our fare at togi. these were only the sides. went arcading. haha. basketball high score - 043. our best out of 3 tries. went on the mario go karts. laughing our hearts out as we chiong-ed. next, we strolled to heeren. shared with sweet about the place, the people, the hospitality. well, beneath that, she was texting fio about me. =P zul came to serve us. told him, "i'll beep you once i wana order." haha. insider joke. "can i have solid gold, with erm..a lil extra ice cream.. and and...er..an irish cream elephanccino." yah..i asked for a lil extra ice cream.. here's what i got. courtesy from zul, dennis and zen. sweet. =) sweet and i had our girls' talk. laughing as though the world was just me and her. i think she's funny. she thinks she's funny too. hahaha. potong. i missed her the minute we parted. like how we always do. well, bill came. shocker. courtesy from eddie. i was blessed beyond blessed. oh by the way, i found 24 bucks while clearing my table of hong baos in the afternoon. God has indeed blessed me. long story why. =) after the trip to the loo, sweet and i parted. eddie invited me to take the transport instead. i was once again blessed. sweet. a poem i wrote for her. well, this potong didn't realise it was one. hahah. until i told her. she read it when she reached home, sms-ed me.. [Okay la. I read it ..n e words really rhymes....] haha. told you she's funny. we exchanged our gifts. well, her gift.. er...i'll show it to you if i'm wearing it that day. *shys* she's gona use my book as... "Practice Smile book". haha. just like mine. a book where i write the things that cheers my heart. a book where i write stories that makes me smile. in it i wrote, "And with this, i'll dedicate my smiles to God and honour him with my smile. =)" HAPPY 3RD ANNIVERSARY, SWEET. 88 posts on this blog to this date. 11 posts on my previous blog. this... will be exactly the 100th post. rad. =) yest at work, we had our usual supper feast. then debs slipped, dropping the mug she was holding. whoa... it smashed into pieces. so i helped to sweep up the pieces. then out of the blue, my phone rang. fio picked it up. fio: hello..aunty ar? me: (looked at her bewildered.) fio: joc, i think it's your mum. me: huh..orh (reaching for the phone.) me: hello, mummy ar.. mystery person: why never pick up the phone? me: huh? mystery person: why never pick up the phone? me: huh? mystery person: why fio never pick up her phone.. i called her so many times.. me: OH!!!!! aunty ar....you're looking for fiona ar..wait ar.. me: FIO!!!!! it's your mum lar..what my mum.. fio: oh mummy ar.... all of us at the dinner table burst out laughing.. fio mistook her mum for my mum. well, because fio didn't hear her phone ringing, so her mum called me instead. after she hanged up, i was like, "fio.. mummy don't speak to me in english. so when your mum went like 'why never pick up the phone?' i was like...this isn't mummy, not my mummy. mummy speaks chinese to me." haha. it was a hilarious night. super funny. so fio, now you know... english speaking mum ain't joc joc's mummy. hah. my mummy speaks chinese to me. i had oatmeal raisin. clamhead told me that he bought some. asked me if i wanted. of course. how could i ever reject oatmeal raisin. 2 oatmeal, 1 white chip mac nut. clamhead said, "i saw that you were working, so i bought it for you, thinking that you may want it." my goodness. so sweet of him.. to remember me. to remember it's oatmeal raisin. fio and ela came in and took chunks of it. clamhead was like worried. "faster eat it up, before they finished it." i ate it with bliss even though there was only half of it left. i'm so blessed by this friendship. simply because God has blessed me much. told clamhead that i was thankful for him. i love to see him. his presence always cheers me up. most times, i feel more secured when he's around. because i know, he stands by me. even though sometimes, he laughs at me too.. but he stands by me. just like fio. debs was back to her teasing again. fio stood up for me. then and there, i felt so strong. because i had my sister there who stood up for me. for who i am. she didn't join in the rest to laugh at me. she defended me. indeed. fio, was an ezer kenegdo. a warrior in Christ. i thank God for her defense. that debs knows that, we, as sisters, support one another. God, i thank you that i was protected. You've protected me, through fio. God, You always... always take my breath away.
i believe true love exists... and always will... headed out with fio, sean and jus. as always, fio and i always feel we're bringing a bunch of monkeys out. guess we gave the zoo an off day. fio and i headed down to nyp before that. the lm was simple, but it spoke. somehow or rather... one way or another... God had His words to us in there. we left with convicted hearts. sarang hae yo. my guide. i'll draft it out. then we met the monkeys for dinner. pardon me.. but they get really loud and rowdy. haha. after the meal, we headed to the loo. and guess what? i'll use pictures to illustrate the drama that happened. look at the toilet sign. typical aye? look at where the arrow points to - right ya? this was the left side. this was the right side. Question: which is the toilet? (a) the left side (b) the right side if your answer is (b), congrats. because you have a brain bigger than pea size. well, apparently, fio looked at the sign and turned left. she didn't really saw what was on the left side. she was busy looking at her phone and walked on, till i called out to her. when she looked up, she saw the rack of flip flops. i asked, "fio, don't you know where the toilet is? the arrow points RIGHT." we both burst out laughing.. well she did see the sign. girl - left guy - right but she left out the arrow. smarrrt...... guess because we brought a big size guy with a pea size brain. after some interaction, fio caught the same brain frequency from him. thankfully i didn't receive it. guess i wasn't within the height range to receive it.
*smiles* MY LIFE ![]() I am Jocelyn Hannah. I was baptised on 7th February 2010. I am 22 and still counting. I love VJBEE and we celebrate 10 years. I am amazed at everything about Korea and Korean. I still love orange, the colour. I love Da Tou, Mini Tou and new addition, Flimso. I am God given. In my life, I choose to desire God above everything else. He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot TAG ME MY LOVELYS Aunty Ben Bing Claire Corny di Evan Fio Ian Isabelle Jere Joelle Joey Josel Kha Ning Ong Ji Pauline Phebs Prila Roy Rui Xiang Sandy Shei Pin Sin Yi Tina Zul MY MEmories January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 March's Events 4th April - Ong Ji's Bday 8th April - Bing and Jere's 17th Month 9th April - Mommy's Bday 12th April - Tina's Bday 19th April - School Officially Commences 22nd April - Sabrina's Bday My heart song |