whenever i meet up with bing and fio, the night is filled with endless laughters. we met on monday. hilarious. simply hilarious. we never leave out cpf plans while we talk huh girls? amazingly, God brought me these two lovelys. to love and be loved.really. so thankful that i'm never ashamed to bare my <3 to them. i pray that you both will never leave my life. i am thankful that they even accepted me for who i am. thankful that they never left me in the lurch, to struggle with my flut-flut-fluttering heart. =) to bing. 3 years have passed. and i pray that we'll have endless of 3 years to come aye? laughing with each other. admiring each other. and loving each other. simply because God loves us. to fio. we have so often laughed so hard that du du had to suffer at times huh? and you, who never fails to assure me that you love me. that you miss me. pardon me for not expressing as much. just know that it ain't any lesser aye? and from me to you both. bing may know, fio may not. but to you both... from my heart's deepest desire, 'for you, a thousand times over.' Dear PaPa, i pray that You will guard this little heart of mine. guard it against the one who made my heart flut-flut-fluttered like a butterfly. who made my cheeks flushed a rosy red. who made my ears felt on fire. who made my palms sweat. i wana surrender him to You. i choose to wait for Your best, as how i've always waited. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. supper routine for du du today. honestly, i really wonder which days does he not growl. and if i weren't born in Singapore, how would du du ever survive. thank God for kha. always and ever present. our 'mac moments' upgraded. 'BCM' moments now. hahah. we talked. conversed. thankful that we always share so much. i heard much, i talked much more. talked about Christ. a simple truth dawned upon us, me especially. hmm... God had to place His wrath on someone. a sacrifice was needed. God ain't a sadist. He is holy and just and we're not. We fall short of His glory. Entirely. I guessed He had much angst in deciding this. Man or Jesus. In my conversation with kha, I said that if it was man that God had chosen, He had to endure each time when someone had to be nailed on the cross to atone for his or her sins. Well, fact is, Jesus was chosen. the Sacrificial Lamb. On the cross, it is teleo. teleÑw - teleo [It is finished.] once and for all. our sins were apecho. a)peÑxw - apecho [Paid in full.] in return, we now stand redeemed. if we still feel bondaged in our lives, it ain't because Jesus hadn't redeemed us fully, it's because we hadn't let Him reigned in our lives fully. Imagine one day, i decided to pay for your meal and wanted no returns for it, you would be so embarrassed, wouldn't you? you'll try all means to repay, somehow or rather, even when i refuse. Jesus paid for our lives, and yet... our lives, we scorned, we mocked, we hated. We even blame Him for the plight we're in sometimes, when, in fact, it was us who has landed ourselves where we are, always. we even doubted. never close to believing that He had done what He did, to save us. Save us from a death so cruel, that Jesus Himself feared. Plus, we scarcely thought of wanting to repay Him with our lives. i was encouraged. by Lucas. by Anthony. by Kha. by Aylwin. i was still wondering if i was living life with Christ in me. they affirmed me. knowingly and unknowingly. Lucas. [...if theres one thing i wanna say..you remind me of Jesus...] [ ...i didnt compliment you just to make you happy.. but i've seen the little acts you do.. i noe you as the little girl with a loud voice.. with a louder passion for God =D] hearing this from a non-believer is so assuring. honest. Kha. [joc..how do you find the energy to keep smiling all day..? maybe because you prayed. it must be it! that's why.] Anthony. [er..why do you smile so much.. everytime i see you, you're smiling...] It was only my second time working with Antho. He came up and talked to me and all. He shared more than what i would expect from him. Aylwin. i barely known him for 2 weeks. He seemed to have known me for 2 years. the trust he placed in me... the way he acknowledges my presence. the way he's always there to give me his support, even though it's the other way round most times. a great manager indeed. i saw you today. my heart fluttered like a butterfly. my cheeks flushed a rosy red. my ears felt as if they were on fire. i didn't talk to you. but you being there made my palms sweat. serious. i didn't know why. i... i don't wana know why. Today. Lydia, my baby sister, fell sick. ran a high fever of 39.4 honestly, i was really worried. really scared. i did all i could, cool her down with a cold towel, fed her paracetamol, made her dried scallop porridge, (which mummy was like "wha...so hao ming.." - good life.) told her i couldn't find the right piece of meat. and i couldn't wait for it to thaw, so scallop it was. dengue was suspected. i ain't sure. gona monitor her till tomorrow, if the heat persist, "doctor, here we come!" she managed a laugh when she tried to lie down, and the thermometer fell out of her armpit, and into her shirt. she was laughing and searching for the therm at the same time. as she lay to sleep, i looked at her... my heart cringed. it's just a fever, yet i felt so much. guess my baby sister really matter more to me than i really knew. Father, i pray that baby will recover under Your healing hands, because the med fees will be an additional burden to the family. so i pray with my lil faith, and i'll put my trust in You. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen. Finally my last entry for the morning. phew. it was a day out with my dear chuah. she missed me much. haha. the day was real bad when the flu bug kept bugging me. when i met her, it got worse. well, to heeren we went. i had a great time with her sneezing away. my pile of flu bug. we went on shopping and all. i love her company. so she asked... chuah: joc, so fio work in the cold kitchen huh? so it's cold kitchen and hot 'chicken'? *burst out laughing* so second round we went. desserts. look what fio got us. huge ice cream. to top it off, lucas paid it all. blessed night.
June 06. it was the night that i was being pillioned. from work all the way back home. Roy, my rider. it was zeee cool. honest. just inspired me so much more to get a bike license. we went on the highway. the singapore flyer and the city view just wow-ed me. went onto ECP. he went at a speed that was safe. it didn't scare me. but he went from 100 - 120, when he saw a reckless taxi driver. the ride, it was real cool. i enjoyed it and i guess... i'm addicted to being pillioned. A Yakult a Day, Keeps Du Du healthy always. something sweet picked up some time ago. i begin my day with a bottle of yakult, the kite runner, as i head to work each time. praying that i'll serve men as though i was serving Christ. so i did. June 05. kha and i popped by heeren to pick fio up from work. jerry called. said he'll pick us up to head for bcm. fio knew and was whining as it was too far for her. in the end, somehow or rather, we were headed for newton circus. had a great time chatting with aylwin while waiting. in jerry's car... fio was zeee high! our feast. du du was once again satisfied. bbq fowl play with du du full and all, we headed to geylang. fio said, "been there, done that." *explosion of laughters* done what? hahah. then we headed to shipyard road. we saw the oil refinery plant. amazing it was. really. any engineer's playground, i would say. blessed day out with fio, kha and jerry.
June 04. It was daddy's birthday. i sleep at like 5am. woke up at 7am. chiong-ed my way through and made daddy breakfast. just egg-wich with a cup of kopi-o gao. thick coffee that is. i waited till daddy got up and ate it and left for work. then i slipped back to lalaland, smiling. but i got it cleaned up in a jiffy. and jumped right in to bed. my trusty toaster and microwave. they never fail me. then i woke up to have breakfast with mummy. guess what mummy told me. she gestured as she said, "daddy took the chance when i was heading to the loo and pointed, grinning a grin so wide, to the egg-wich that you made for him." i, too, was grinning. sushi buffet it was. to feed du du. zul had to crave for sushi so much, that du du obliged..willingly. when du du's hungry, it'll oblige to anything. yah according to him, we had 10000 plates. zul is a good photographer. i'm amazed. honest. he took sushi. i took bcm. short for bar chor mee. didn't turn out too bad for me. i enjoyed my lunch with zul, so did du du. glad i met up with jas for bcm, though du du was finally crying, "i'm full!!!!" i thank God for jas. hmm. we had a great time simply with each other. it has been so long since i last remember. but i thank God we're good friends now. really. Fio has done it again. cracking us up at work. silly her... really... i was busy refilling the condiments when she looked at me and burst out. was wondering why, when she answered my doubt. fio: joc, parmesan has a new surname. parmesan CHEE. *bursts of laughters* went back to refilling as she told others about it. then she went on again. fio: joc, the chilli flakes are rather cold. *i turned the tub and looked at the label* *exploded in laughters*
Pardon me seriously, for the lack of updates. loads of it i have. but i was testing out the new blogskin. put in a lil effort. still trying to get the hang of it. i love it. just wondered was it reader-friendly. i'll keep it up for a few fays. if it isn't, let me know aye. i'll change the fonts. so here's my string of updates. MY LIFE ![]() I am Jocelyn Hannah. I was baptised on 7th February 2010. I am 22 and still counting. I love VJBEE and we celebrate 10 years. I am amazed at everything about Korea and Korean. I still love orange, the colour. I love Da Tou, Mini Tou and new addition, Flimso. I am God given. In my life, I choose to desire God above everything else. He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot TAG ME MY LOVELYS Aunty Ben Bing Claire Corny di Evan Fio Ian Isabelle Jere Joelle Joey Josel Kha Ning Ong Ji Pauline Phebs Prila Roy Rui Xiang Sandy Shei Pin Sin Yi Tina Zul MY MEmories January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 March's Events 4th April - Ong Ji's Bday 8th April - Bing and Jere's 17th Month 9th April - Mommy's Bday 12th April - Tina's Bday 19th April - School Officially Commences 22nd April - Sabrina's Bday My heart song |