It has been a good week. Lydia has started working at NYDC too. Everyone seemed really curious about her. Well, God has been faithful. I've been well and all. I'm thankful fo the people at work. There's izhar who has made me laughed real hard. There's tung who's fierce on the outside, but really soft and nice on the inside. (a soft toy it seems...) There's shen who's a half indian, half a.. There's xun who's not a tad taller, but 2 heads taller. There's ah kong who always smile and calls me "Loi Yan" (woman in canto.) There's william who loves bearing his big white belly. =D There's clamhead who loves bullying me. There's vincent who's really blur. There's prila who's always here. I'm having mental battles regarding alot of things. Well, i'm thankful there's always VJBEE around. They make me feel that I'm never alone. Ben always gives me an assuring hug when I come to work. Vel always cheers me up with her smile. Ng always calls me when her tummy calls out. Chuah always assure me when something just don't go right. They're really important to me. I'm thankful Christmas's here again. So blessed to spend so many Christmases with them. Christmas - Christ, My Awesome Saviour. To God am I thankful. Well, there are some misses here and there. It's been long since I've seen some people. I miss jus and sean. the NYDC gang. I dreamt of you again. Hmm... [Though time blurs our vision, it opens the window of our heart. -Goong] It was a heart wrenching meeting yesterday. What I saw was a father's humble plea for people to help. His heart was broken. He laid down his pride. He humbled himeself. He has cried days for her. He was going all out to win his daughter's heart back. But his daughter was still stuck in her cinderella story. Thinking that there will be a happily ever after. All I can do now is to pray. For restoration. For her eyes to be open to see.. her father's love for her. As I told him, "It's been hard on you." Tears inevitably welled up in my eyes. My face muscles cringed. My heart softened. It seemed like then and there, I was walking down my very own memory lane. It's been hard too.. on my father. As he shared his heart out, I felt he resembled my dad. Who was there to pick me up when I fall? My dad. Who was there to stand up for me? My dad. Who was the one who solved my problems when i ran into them? My dad. Who laid down his pride just so I can keep mine? My dad. My daddy loves me. My Father in heaven loves me too. I am a blessed child. I feel bad... Because I was away from my blog for so long... But.... I'M BACK! Busy itinery. Work. Visit to Doulos. Taiwanese Dramas. My family. My friends. Life's simple pleasures. I've finally finished one of the thousands of Taiwanese dramas. It's the 2nd Taiwanese drama that I stay up late to finish. Miss No Good's its title. Most known it as Campus Shrewd. The female lead, Xiao Hua, has taught me very beautiful things. The greatest thing I've learnt, is to be happy. She was insulted by the famous stylist, Tang Men, in the fashion world. She was deemed as an "Idiotic Christmas Tree". Yet she could smile and be happy through it all. The other girl, elegant and pretty, was jealous of her. Because both Tang Men and the guy she likes - Jia Si Le, fell in love with Xiao Hua. She was lamenting and crying out to Tang Men, "Why an ordinary girl like her can be so confident?" Tang Men simply answered, "It's not that she's confident of herself, It's just that she doesn't hate herself." Powerful. Most of us dislike more than 1/2 of how we are. Flabby Arms. Muffin Hips. Chubby Cheeks. Chunky Calves. My inadequacies it is. Well, the drama reminded me of clamhead. Whenever I laugh at his double chin, or commented that he seemed er..fat-ter, he'll say, "I don't care!" It's like my opinion does not affect who he is. He is who he is. It's like clamhead's happy the way he is. Well, Joc ain't gona care how I look either. I'm gona take care of myself. However way I would turn out, I won't hate it. I would be happy. I would also want to learn to be happy. Day in day out. No point dwelling on things that just simply bring me to tears. One way to be happy is to appreciate the people around me. I miss God. I miss how I was this close to Him. *puts thumb and index finger together* Things has got to change. God has been around. I need to notice His presence and not pretend that I don't see Him anymore. I saw Doulos last week. Couldn't have been more nostalgic. Honestly, I had wished I'd sailed with them. Sailed with the purpose of helping the needy. I miss the days when I had dial 9s, never limped up and down the gangway, walked through and through the ship to clean aircon filters, played underground church, huddled in my comfy 211 cabin, had 'xiao qiangs' running across my face as I was asleep, puked 7 times in one voyage, rejoiced over people receiving Jesus Christ into their lives, smiled and marvelled at the wonders of God, hugged the kids, Nooa, Jaz, Sophia, Caitlyn, Daniel, hanged out at the fun deck with Abby and Sarah, enjoyed crazy moments with the Batangas Steppers, ran out of the ship just half an hour before curfew time with Di to buy taiwan noodles for the last time before we left Kao Shiung, had Hot Gigantic Yam milk tea in Taiwan, shared the love of God to people I've never met, witnessed countless miracles, (on board, you'll see miracles everyday.) experienced the life in an engine room, sailed with over 300 brothers and sisters from 40 over countries, stood at the bow of the ship taking in the view, was in charge of altering the speed of the ship as we manouvered into Kao Shiung, had the special privilege to be on board God's ship. This list goes on. How thankful am I? *stretches out my arms* This thankful. God, for You alone I'll live. [It's easy to say I want to die for Christ, but it ain't easy to say I want to live for Christ.] HAHA. My deepest apologies for a stale blog. Well, life's been a whole lot laughters and crap. Good thing, God's been around. Well, I'm very thankful for good things in life. First up! Bing has been lovingly attached to jere! 08/11/08 2323 hours Fio has been happily attached for say.. 4 months and 4 days now.. God has been faithful to my girlies. I can't be thankful enough. Nothing I want more for the both of you than for you to be happy. I met Jas 2 weeks ago. I met Ian 2 days ago. Loads of misses. Loads of laughters. Stories of the army days. I look forward to jas, kha, and ian's pop day! I'm simply thankful that my brothers have been well. God has been so good to me. VJBEE. I miss them. They're my family, really. We lived, studied, played, laughed, cried, hugged, ALTOGETHER. Saying I love and miss them has been my daily routine. Work... Hmm... I'm pretty lost about what I should decide.. To stay or to move on.. I don't feel at home any longer.. On sat was one happy and sad day altogether. Happy because clamhead was around to make me laugh. Sad because things at work aren't just good anymore. I miss the old days.. I really do.. Well, life's been colourful for me. It's everchanging. However, I'm thankful that God is neverchanging. I'm really excited. I'm gona see sarah and abby in a while. Gona visit our home again. I miss them so much. Ciao for now... MY LIFE ![]() I am Jocelyn Hannah. I was baptised on 7th February 2010. I am 22 and still counting. I love VJBEE and we celebrate 10 years. I am amazed at everything about Korea and Korean. I still love orange, the colour. I love Da Tou, Mini Tou and new addition, Flimso. I am God given. In my life, I choose to desire God above everything else. He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. - Jim Elliot TAG ME MY LOVELYS Aunty Ben Bing Claire Corny di Evan Fio Ian Isabelle Jere Joelle Joey Josel Kha Ning Ong Ji Pauline Phebs Prila Roy Rui Xiang Sandy Shei Pin Sin Yi Tina Zul MY MEmories January 2007 February 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 March 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 March's Events 4th April - Ong Ji's Bday 8th April - Bing and Jere's 17th Month 9th April - Mommy's Bday 12th April - Tina's Bday 19th April - School Officially Commences 22nd April - Sabrina's Bday My heart song |